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OOPs using C++


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C++ Practical Programs


Write a C++ program to read data of N employee and computer net salary of each employee (DA = 52% of Basic and IT = 30% of the gross salary).


  • Step 1 - Include the required header files (iostream.h, conio.h, and windows.h for colors).
  • Step 2 - Create a class Employee with the following members.
    • emp_number, emp_name, basic, da, it, gross_salary, and net_salary as data memebrs
    • read_emp_details(), find_net_salary(), and display_emp_details() as member functions.
  • Step 3 - Implement all the member functions with their respective code.
  • Step 4 - Create a main() method.
  • Step 5 - Create an array of class object with a specific size and number_of_emp as integer.
  • Step 6 - Read number_of_emp.
  • Step 7 - Call the read_emp_details() method through the array of class object from 0 to number_of_emp.
  • Step 8 - Call the find_net_salary() method through the array of class object from 0 to number_of_emp.
  • Step 9 - Call the display_emp_details() method through the array of class object from 0 to number_of_emp.
  • Step 10 - returnn 0 to exit form the program execution.


C++ Program
  Write a C++ program to read data of N employee and computer net salary of each employee
  (DA = 52% of Basic and IT = 30% of the gross salary)

class Employee
   char emp_name[30];
   int emp_number;
   float basic, da, it, gross_salary, net_salary;
   void read_emp_details(int count){
	 cout<<"\n\n*** Enter Employee "<<count<<" Details ***";
	 cout<<"\nEmployee Number: ";
	 cout<<"Employee Name: ";
	 cout<<"Basic Salary: ";
	 cout<<"\n---- Employee "<<count<<" Datails are saved ----\n\n";
   float find_net_salary(){
      da = basic * 0.52;
      gross_salary = basic + da;
      it = gross_salary * 0.30;
      net_salary = (basic + da) - it;
      return net_salary;
   void display_emp_details(int count){
      cout<<"\n\n*** Employee "<<count<<" Details ***\n";
      cout<<"\nEmployee Number	: "<<emp_number;
      cout<<"\nEmployee Name	: "<<emp_name;
      cout<<"\nNet Salary: "<<net_salary;
int main(){
   Employee emp[100];
   int number_of_emp, count;
   cout<<"\nPlease enter the number of Employees (Max. 100): ";
   for(count=0; count< number_of_emp; count++){
   for(count=0; count < number_of_emp; count++){
   for(count=0; count < number_of_emp; count++){
   cout<<"\nPress any key to close!!!";
   return 0;


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