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Comparison of Sorting Methods

The comparison of sorting methods is performed based on the Time complexity and Space complexity of sorting methods. The following table provides the time and space complexities of sorting methods. These Time and Space complexities are defined for 'n' number of elements.

Sorting Method Time Complexity Worst Case Time Complexity Average Case Time Complexity Best Case Space Complexity
Bubble Sort n(n-1)/2 = O(n2) n(n-1)/2 = O(n2) n(n-1)/2 = O(n2) Constant
Insertion Sort n(n-1)/2 = O(n2) n(n-1)/4 = O(n2) O(n) Constant
Selection Sort n(n-1)/2 = O(n2) n(n-1)/2 = O(n2) n(n-1)/2 = O(n2) Constant
Quick Sort n(n+3)/2 = O(n2) O(n log n) O(n log n) Constant
Heap Sort O(n log n) O(n log n) O(n log n) Constant
Merge Sort O(n log n) O(n log n) O(n log n) Depends

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